When it comes to spiders here in California, we’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that most spiders in our area are harmless. The bad news is that not all of them are, and they can be difficult to distinguish from one another, which is why it’s important to have a plan for pest control in Los Angeles.
Types of Spiders: A Guide To The Most Common Species
As we said, most California spiders are harmless. It’s true that all spiders are venomous, but that doesn’t mean all spider venom can hurt you. Most of the time, you will experience nothing worse than some pain and swelling at the site of the spider bite.
Common types of spiders in California that are not considered dangerous to humans include:
- Wolf spiders
- Common house spiders
- Tarantulas
- Cellar spiders
- Jumping spiders
- Yellow sac spiders
- Garden spiders
Of course, it’s always better to avoid being bitten by a spider, but if you’re bitten by one of these, it’s unlikely you will need medical attention. However, though there are countless harmless species of spiders around our area, we do have to worry about a couple of spider varieties here in California.
Spider Bite Symptoms: Warning Signs To Watch For
The two dangerous local spider species in our area are the black widow and the desert recluse. Widow spiders pack a neurotoxic venom that can cause systemic symptoms like nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, and even confusion and trouble breathing. Most adults can survive a widow bite, but their venom can be life-threatening to small children and pets, so it’s important to seek medical attention if you are bitten by a black widow spider.
The desert recluse, meanwhile, has hemotoxic venom that kills the tissue around the site of the bite. This process is known as necrosis. If you are bitten by a recluse, you can wind up with lesions that eventually begin to turn black or open up. This can cause infection and severe scarring, so it’s vital to seek medical attention for recluse bites as well.
Spider-Proofing: Tips For Preventing Spiders In The Home
Spiders are so common that it is almost impossible to keep your home entirely free of them. However, most of the time, the occasional spider in your house just wandered in accidentally because spiders are not attracted to anything in your home.
All spiders are predators and must eat live prey to survive. This means that, unlike other pests, spiders are not interested in anything that people have to offer. They don’t need our food, nor do they need us for water or shelter. The only thing that can attract large numbers of spiders into your home is an infestation of another pest. This means the best thing you can do to keep spiders out of your home is ensure it is free of common spider prey like ants, flies, and roaches.
Professional Pest Control: A Great Spider Control Solution
Unfortunately, it’s easy to get a spider infestation in your home because it’s easy to have an infestation of spider prey without realizing it. This means you might not be aware you have an infestation until you start seeing spiders crawling around all over your house. At this point, you will need professional help.
Spiders breed very fast, and if there is enough food to support them, it is almost impossible for most homeowners to slow them down. That’s where Leaf Pest Management comes in. We have all the tools and techniques necessary to help you get rid of spiders in large numbers.
Even better, we can also inspect your home to figure out what is drawing spiders in and supporting their breeding populations. We’ll then get rid of that infestation as well. So don’t waste your time with store-bought solutions. Just contact us today to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Los Angeles.