Homeowners often need ant control in Los Angeles because ants are such common invaders of California homes. However, keeping these pests at bay is a lot easier said than done, and sometimes you may even need professional help.
Types Of Ants Common To The Area
Here in California, we have more than our fair share of ant species. Many of the ants in our area are adapted to handle its dry and often harsh conditions. These ants don’t necessarily need people to survive, but we are often the most convenient source of food and water around. Further, there are also several different invasive species that may be more dependent on humans.
Common ant varieties in Los Angeles you might run into in your home include:
- Acrobat ants
- Argentine ants
- Carpenter ants
- Fire ants
- Odorous house ants
- Pavement ants
- Pharaoh ants
- Rover ants
While the majority of these ant species are nothing but a nuisance, a few of them can cause more serious problems.
Ants In The Home Can Create Many Problems
The problems ants cause can vary in type and severity, but there are several species in our area that can be more than just a nuisance. Carpenter ants, for instance, tunnel through wood just like other ants tunnel through dirt. This can sometimes cause serious structural damage to wooden buildings. Pharaoh ants, meanwhile, spread several strains of dangerous bacteria including staphylococcus, salmonella, and streptococcus.
There are also a couple of stinging species in our area, including pavement ants and fire ants. Not to mention the fact that ants are among spiders’ favorite prey, so the presence of ants in your home will likely attract these venomous predators. All this means that ant control is a lot more important than many homeowners may realize.
Five Useful Ant Prevention Techniques
Unfortunately, effective ant control can be difficult to accomplish. Once you wind up with an ant infestation in your home, it can be a nightmare to try to get rid of it. This is because ant colonies are large and complex entities that can easily move and spread out in response to your attempts to eliminate them. Many ant species can even replace their queens at the drop of a hat, making it difficult to eradicate a whole colony.
The good news is that ant prevention is much easier than ant elimination. All you have to do is make a few lifestyle changes:
- Keep all garbage on your property covered at all times.
- Store all pantry foods in airtight containers.
- Clean up after meals and never leave dirty dishes, including pet bowls, sitting out.
- Fix moisture problems like leaky pipes or poor drainage.
- Seal potential entryways into your home with silicone caulk or expanding foam.
If you follow these ant prevention tips, you can make your home much less attractive to these invading pests and save yourself a lot of trouble down the road.
Contact Us To Completely Eliminate An Ant Infestation
Unfortunately, even the best ant prevention measures can often fail because ants are simply clever and stubborn enough to figure out ways around them. This means you may wind up needing ant control services despite your best efforts. That’s where Leaf Pest Management comes in.
Our cutting-edge professional home pest control solutions are far more effective than store-bought solutions. We always stay on top of the latest pest control technologies to ensure that we can keep the ants outside where they belong instead of inside your home. So don’t put up with stinky odorous house ants on your countertop or disease-spreading pharaoh ants inside your food stores. Give us a call or visit our contact page to get started today!